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How to create custom newsletters

2020-08-12 15:42 Инструкции


Step 1

Open the control panel and select the company you need. Go to the My Newsletters section

Step 2

Think of a name for your newsletter and click the Create Newsletter button

Step 3

Select the communication channels you need (at the moment mailing is done in Telegram and Viber). Enter a list of tags or phone numbers to which you want to send a mailing (The search for numbers/tags is performed by your clients' cards, to ensure that the data you entered matches the data from the client's card).. If you want to mail to your entire customer base, leave the numbers and phone numbers field blank.


Step 4

Create a mailing scheme using the components available in the constructor. 

Important: In order for the chatbot to work correctly, a block must be set as the final step after your mailing has been executed transition, which will contain a link to return the user to the main menu of your bot. To get this link, please contact your developer

Step 5

With the button Back return to the mailing settings. If you want to schedule the mailing for a specific date, activate the field option Schedule a mailing and specify the date and time for the mailing.

Check if the data you have entered is correct and press Execute mailing/Schedule mailing

Important: All unscheduled mailings start their sending within one minute.

Step 6

The status of your mailing can be tracked in My mailings section (To update the data, you need to re-enter this section within your company).

Important: For correct work of the mailing list and statistics in general, it is necessary to pause (at least 15 minutes) between mailings to the same groups of users.